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 WINNER Redditch & Bromsgrove CAMRA " Cider Pub of the Year 2020"
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Cask Cushions

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CASK-CUSHIONS Inn-spired Seating

Drop on -Sit - Lift off........Simple!

Cask Cushions 
The ideal way to increase your seating, and utilise the empty casks that are awaiting collection
The cushion uses a registered design to sit snugly on the cask and just lift off when the brewer arrives. These have found their way Brewery Taps and Micropubs all over the country.
They can be produced in a wide variety of fabrics, and for more practical use, a selection of vinyl.
For more details, call me
07845-092718 or email



Logo Printing

We can now heat-print your logo onto the fabrics to personalise your Cask Cushions.

Here are some we produced for our friends at The Magnet Micropub in Colchester, and the latest for Mauldons Brewery ( a full 5 colour print!)

For more information call or email me


We are currently testing the printing on Vinyl to make sure the ink does not wear, watch this space.

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CASK-CUSHIONS Started life over 10 years ago, when it was noticed that a small pub had lots of empties around the bar, but lacked seating. A cushion was designed that would sit snugly without slipping off, that would fit all firkins regardless of the height of the keystone, and would offer an economical solution to the lack of seats. This idea was discussed with two colleagues, one of which had a shop-fitting company and could produce the wooden bases from off-cuts that would normally get burned or go to landfill, the second a furniture manufacturer that had lots of spare fabric from larger projects. Again these would usually go to landfill.
A prototype was produced within 24 hours and taken to 2 pubs and a brewery, all three ordered immediately. The following day the design was legally registered and Cask Cushions was born. It still thrives today despite never paying for an advertisement.
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